Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Fae has a fever today.

Well, I should have known it when Fae wanted Mommy to take her to school today. She never asks for Mommy to take her to school! Not only that, she didn't want breakfast this morning and didn't eat her breakfast at school either. Yoel dropped her off as usual .. then, while I was dropping Noah off at his babysitter, Yoel calls me.

"Fae has a fever of 101.9 and she's got chills."

So I go to pick her up. When I get there, she is bundled up in her red "elf" jacket AND a blanket. She smiles when she sees me and her teachers tell me that's the first smile they've seen out of her today.

We head home but on the way I needed to stop at the bank. She was awful quiet in the back. When we get home and I go to unbuckle her out of her carseat, I discover she has vomited all over herself :-(

Into the house we go. I give her some (Grape-flavored) Tylenol for the fever. I told her it is medicine that will make her feel better and she takes it without a fuss! I pretty much offer her anything she wants: juice? milk? a show? Barney?

She wants the milk and she wants to watch Barney. This did not last long before she wanted to be held again. I held her until she fell asleep.

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