Monday, December 17, 2007

Fae's fever is gone... sorry for the delayed update.

I didn't even think to update the blog until the 10th person asked me how Fae was doing -- is she over the fever? Yes, and in fact, the fever did not last more than 24 hours. As soon as it started, it was gone. We had emailed the news to her Pediatrician the first night asking for his opinion and information about what he's seen that could be going around, but by the next morning, Fae had fully recovered and the fever was gone. Her Pediatrician seems to think it is a viral infection and a neighbor mentioned that she has heard of many families who were afflicted recently with this strange 12- or 24-hour bug.

In any case, Fae spent some special time at home with Mommy and pretty much got to do whatever she wanted which was, mostly, watch her favorite shows (Barney, Dora, The Backyardigans, Jack's Big Music Show) and movies (Ratatouille) on TV. I think she will look forward to being sick next time ;)

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